Teledental Services
We can provide comprehensive dental care from the comfort of your home using modern technology.

We are here for you
Oso Pediatric Dentistry proudly offers teledental services for our patients in Oxnard, CA. We can provide comprehensive dental care from the comfort of your home using modern technology. Our experienced and compassionate dentist, Dr. Elena Bedilo, is committed to providing her patients with the highest quality care they need and deserve.
What is Teledental?
Teledental is a modern form of dental care delivery that uses telecommunication technologies such as video conferencing, phone calls, and text messages to connect patients with their dentists. Our teledental services are designed to be quick and convenient while providing you with the best possible quality of care. With teledental, you can get the same care as an in-person visit without leaving your home. This means you can receive treatment from your dentist without making an extra trip or waiting until regular office hours. All in all, teledentistry is the future of dental care.

What Advantages Does Teledental Offer?
At Oso Pediatric Dentistry, we understand how important it is for parents and caregivers to access quality dental care for their children. That’s why we’ve invested in state-of-the-art technologies so that our teledental services can provide our patients with all the benefits of an in-person visit without hassle or inconvenience. With teledental services, you can get:
Click on each bullet point to learn more.
Using video conferencing technology during your appointment, Dr. Bedilo can look at your child’s mouth more quickly than if she had seen them in person.
Dr. Bedilo can guide you through the treatments necessary to help treat your issue.
Instead of having to commute between appointments or wait until regular office hours have ended, you will now have access to quality dental care 24/7.
Teledental enables us to serve more patients while providing them the personal attention and high-quality care.
At Beach Town Kids Dentist, we understand it can be difficult and intimidating for children to visit the dentist. That’s why we offer our teledental services. With teledental services, patients can receive the same care and attention in an office without leaving their homes.
How Does Teledentistry Work?
Our teledental service utilizes secure video conferencing technology, allowing us to provide comprehensive consultations from the comfort of your home or wherever is most convenient. During each appointment, Dr. Bedilo will review recent X-rays taken during a prior visit or those provided by another dentist if available (for new patient registration). She will then review any updates on your child’s health history before conducting a thorough exam using specialized diagnostic tools such as intraoral cameras, which allow her greater accuracy when examining areas inside their mouth (such as cavities) that may not be visible through regular visuals alone.
Afterward, she will provide personalized recommendations on treatment options available (including any necessary follow-up visits). In addition to these services, Dr. Bedilo also offers educational resources via email throughout the year so that parents can stay up-to-date on changes in oral health trends affecting their children’s teeth and gums.
We are committed to providing the highest quality care and customer service. We understand that every child is different and strive to create a positive and welcoming experience for all our patients.

Teledental Services in Oxnard, CA
At Oso Pediatric Dentistry, we understand how busy life can get, so we strive daily for excellence in patient satisfaction through innovative practices such as teledentistry, making receiving quality dental care more accessible than ever! Contact us today if you have questions about our teledentistry service or want more information regarding our other offerings, including sedation dentistry and preventative work! We look forward to hearing from you!